mercredi 7 mars 2012

"A Monster In Paris" Posters paintings

Drawing gag in a sequence, illustrated posters, framed photo portraits, fake Melies film poster...I had sometime to quickly draw some artwork for the surfaçing departement.

 This one completed with framing and typography design by Elise Toublanc :

19 commentaires:

  1. Your artworks are amazing! I love all of it. Thanks for sharing these. Keep it up!

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  3. All are nice and amazing. I wish I make great artwork as like that. More practice I guess.

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  4. Those are all greats and fun to see. Talented indeed! Keep it up.

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  5. awesome and cool,hope you inspire all youth generation,long live!

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  6. this are good artworks! please share more of these, thank you!

  7. wow beautiful art work. i love it. keep posting more
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