mercredi 14 mars 2012

mercredi 7 mars 2012

"A Monster In Paris" Pre-production teaser 2d crowd animation.

A special teaser made in  2006 for the Cannes festival film market offers a oportunity to test 2d/3d
mixes in the backgrounds, including 2d painted crowds . The more we had distance between backgrounds and the main characters , the more we choose to use a painted aspect.
 This choice was expensive, from a budget point of view and the final movie offers a more "classic" all CG environnement with matte paintings in the distance.
I designed the environement and crowds and animated 2d characters in After Effects.

The 2d  animated cycles :

"A Monster In Paris" Tonals

"A Monster In Paris" Preproduction drawings

An early script version flea market sequence in St Ouen , Paris suburbs.

These was pre-production "old Paris" buildings and roofs designs, later Sebastien Piquet joined us as set design supervisor, and gave us great designs, full of poetry with a complete comprehension of the real "organic" roofs and little buildings imbrication in old Monmartre, and "le Marais" ...
You can check that here : Sebastien portfolio blog

"A Monster In Paris" Posters paintings

Drawing gag in a sequence, illustrated posters, framed photo portraits, fake Melies film poster...I had sometime to quickly draw some artwork for the surfaçing departement.

 This one completed with framing and typography design by Elise Toublanc :